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GABRIEL NIETO NIETO COLOMBIAN PAINTER (1960) PRESENTATION Gabriel Nieto is probably one of the most suggestive, and with utmost sincerity and freshness. At this point his work revolves around the expression folclrica, the native. Henry Arias Nolen influenced mainly, but with a style that recovered with amazing grace, with the emphasis and the joy that corresponds to your need plastic, is the message from a delicious...

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GABRIEL NIETO NIETO COLOMBIAN PAINTER (1960) PRESENTATION Gabriel Nieto is probably one of the most suggestive, and with utmost sincerity and freshness. At this point his work revolves around the expression folclrica, the native. Henry Arias Nolen influenced mainly, but with a style that recovered with amazing grace, with the emphasis and the joy that corresponds to your need plastic, is the message from a delicious Colombian plasticity. Thematized the countryside and one day live in peace and now aoramos, Master Nieto plasma in a magical, surreal, then doubtless kites kites or multiple colors that play or you in all his works primitivist spirit that characterize his cheerful and nostalgic, as also the fascinating idiosyncrasies of the characters peasants and colonial architecture, possible ideas suitable for display in a primitive environment. As for painting, which transforms the espontneamente visible reality of people and things in magical realism, blurring the boundaries between truth and myth, reality and fantasy. Whoever approaches the work of Gabriel Nieto consider (as required) with thoroughness and with pleasure, to discover it, in those tiny figures that populate different, the peasants in their work manuals, celebrations and rejoicing public, the Sunday market, the manifestation politics, the arrival of the circus, kites, butterflies, the priest, carts of vegetables and edible awnings, animals, and even village priest ... By Carlos Lozada Alvarez Mexico Art Critic for the love of Gabriel Nieto When I met a few years ago I pareciun artist proud of their land, their roots, but above all a simple man, creative without presumptions OF ANY scope, now I'm thinking the same thing that humility and dedication with which Gabriel is delivered to your family, your friends and work is complete. Nieto has featured an eclectic artist, dynamic daadaa is exceeded himself, without waiting down any recognition, because for l, the most important thing is to surrender completely to the work, as their creations are like their own children, fathered with much love and dedication, their work ah bearing the original seal of the strength in chromatic, extreme cleanliness and happy infectious plasma with which their works. Over the years Nieto has been characterized by primitivist work in which plasma proudly peoples and customs of his native Colombia, which he described with great success in June 2006 at the Young Art Gallery of DIFOCUR (Regional Cultural Dissemination Investigaciny promotion) of Culiacn Sinaloa, Mexico and the House of Culture of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico where the respective art critics commented positively on their work. The work of Gabriel Nieto is the result of research, experiment, the joint effort with his family who always supports the guidance received with Professor Patrick G. Glenny Aura and Murcia in Venezuela and Ecuador Toapanta in others. This artist is projected to be dynamic, strong and as art critic said Miguel de Leon, in the Diario del Huila, the exuberance ... Nieto's work is unmistakable, it has to be undoubtedly one of the great exponents of South-Columbian art. The teacher Gabriel Nieto sertema to be discussed between the artistic circles and academics for the times ahead. Carlos Lozada Alvarez MEXICO exhibitions: 1979, LIBRARY Lus Angel Arango, Bogota., Colombia. 1983, Art in the Capital, (Honorary Mention) Bogot., Colombia. 1987, Latin American Art Galley in Colombia, Colombia Medelln. 1989, Laguna Galera Dorado, Quito Ecuador. 1990, Galera Bolivarian Caracas, Venezuela. 1996, Fair Latino Arts, Krakow, Poland. 2004, Livestock Show Culiacn Sinaloa, Mexico 2005, Life Arts., Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006, Colombian art collective, DIFOCUR, Culiacn Mexico. 2006, House of Culture (UAS) Culiacn Sinaloa, Mexico. 2006, FORUM, Commercial Plaza, Culiacn Mexico. 2007, Museum of Contemporary Art of Huila (MACH) Neiva Colombia. 2007, "The Unity of Scattered" South University-Colombian Smell Neiva, Colombia. 2007, "Collective Colombo-Mexican" COOPERATIVA DE COLOMBIA University. 2007, Art Without Borders, CUN Neiva Huila, Colombia. 2007, FESTICREARTE, Museum of Contemporary Art of Huila, Neiva, Colombia. 2007, Grade B Equine Fair CORHUILA University, Neiva, Huila Colombia. 2007, Meeting CORHUILA University 2007 University, Neiva, Huila Colombia. 2007, Individual Exhibition Plaza San Pedro Neiva Huila Colombia. 2008, Tribute International Women's Da, Museum of Contemporary Art of Huila, Neiva, Huila Colombia.

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